Prescott Creeks is a 501(c)3 non-profit that promotes watershed stewardship by coordinating programs and projects that enhance water quality and riparian habitat in Prescott, Arizona. Community Involvement and stewardship are vital components of all that we do. Prescott Creeks educates the community about the important inter-relationships between people and creeks, and works with the community to implement practical solutions to local creek-related issues.
Watson Woods Riparian Preserve: a 126 acre riparian preserve that started off as part of a 1,000 acre gallery forest, then became a gravel mine and trash dump. Over the past decade Prescott Creeks has been involved in studying, planning, and restoring the important riparian habitat in Watson Woods.
Watershed Improvement Planning: The Granite Creek Watershed Improvement Council is a broad stakeholder group engaged in a Watershed Improvement Planning process for the Granite Creek Watershed. The collaborative planning process includes data gathering through Water Quality Monitoring, a Watershed Field Survey, and a Watershed Residents’ Survey. This data has been used to identify and prioritize Best Management Practices that can improve water quality and overall watershed health.
Granite Creek Cleanup: In 2007 Prescott Creeks began organizing this annual event where volunteers come and spend a morning cleaning the creeks and lakes in the area of trash and debris. In the thirteen years that we have been leading the event over 6,000 volunteers have removed over 48.7 tons of trash from the local waterways. For Prescott Creeks, this is an important part of making our community the best place it can be for those who live and visit here.